Tuesday, 10 April 2012

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Everything about Asian fashion 2012

Fashion adalah dunia mode yang menampilkan karakter,karya,citra fisik,kecantikan dan mode yang memasarkan product dan yang telah dipasarkan.
Fashion tidak juga menampilkan busana tetapi menampilakn kosmetik,tas,sepatu wanita dan sepatu pria yang serasi dengan busana.
Kontek fashion beragam..antara  America serikat – eropa "the so called" fashion kontemporer dan asia sebagai industry fashion,pabric,garment dan pangsa yang konsumtif.
Mode fashion mencerminkan dari fragmen budaya kontemporer dan warisan budaya masalalu,serta dari tahun ketahun mode fashion menjadi modern dan menjadi globalisasi perekonomian. Perkembangan fashion juga tidak lepas dari informasi dan karya dan designer.


If you are a big fan of the Asian fashion, this blog is offering you the latest trends you can never find anywhere else. You will find wonderful collections of top designers from Asia, including Korean Fashion 2012, Hong Kong fashion 2012, Japanese fashion 2012, Chinese fashion 2012 and Indonesian fashion 2012 and Thai fashion 2012, Malaysian fashion 2012, Hijab fashion 2012 and many others. Over the past five years or more, Asian fashion 2012 industry began to conquer the international fashion lines. Now, the Chinese and Indian styles are favored by many women around the world. That is due the exceptional Asian culture which appears clearly on the fabrics through distinctive colors such as the bright red, the yellow and the turquoise. These bold colors have succeeded in attracting women who are interested in the international fashion. Asian countries are now competing to please passionate fans by providing good quality productions with reasonable prices.