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Proper storageof clothesand pantalonsbefore the summerneeds to besimple thingsyou can taketokeep up thequality ofyour clothes 1 -clothing store bags andevengamesthatcanput yourall, including somespecialflowers orenvelopesthat preventrot,as well asyou canthat the authors ofblack pepperonlya few seedsbetween theclothesmothawayandcloves 2 -Applicationand the suspension ofhisclothesinthe art ofTreasuryassetsand hasanotherwithskirtsas well assomeclotheseach typeseparatelymaking it easier foryou to get afantastic formand spaceand do not forgetthe finestformmore splendid, iftwo layers ofclothingas well asuniform andalsothe wide area 3 -Toforgetthatto cover theclothes with a plasticsand ifyou do not havelaundrybagsaregreatfor clothingstorethatyou wannaIf you have areservoiryou use isnot
4 -Canvasshelvesanda wonderfultime ofthe dividedstorageandlingerieIn ityou can use themconvenienceand ease of useall well 5 -If you keep your clothing, pantalon andbedspreadsyou canpullthe airvacuumedtokeep itof course,smelland shapeafter washingand dryfullor keep itinplastic bags 6 -It can alsoput yourcardboardbetween theclothing tohelpthem outintime of need.
The women who wear Hijab in thesummerclothesof a special characterso as not tocauseillnessesare inneed. 1 -Choose100%cotton clothing, whichdoes not enterbyany other materialthat may affect theskin, becausewiththe summer andhighair temperatureincreasesthe secretion ofsweat especiallyforthe large number ofveiledwearthe clothes. 2 Took into accountthatyour clothesareloose, especially ifthedesignwere notcotton,so as not tocausefrictiontoclothingyour skindiseasesYou are inquiteindispensable. 3 -The Hijab shouldwearcottonunder bandana the Hijab on the head to absorbssweatuntilthe scalp,notdandruffbefallen you,whichappearfrequentlyin the summer. 4 -Prefernotto resort toscarfsin thesummerso as not tofeelwarmlyoverthe air,as well asinthe casethe stretchbodycan be replacedWrist canvas. 5 -Must beyour underwearcottoncompletely, especially thosewearingwhile you areaway from home,andfinallyrejectedto bemade ofother materialsso as not toanyskin infections. 6 -Stay awayas possible from thecoloredunderwearortake change color, becausewith themixedracemaystainyour skinand causeto beoverly sensitive.
when women become the mother of course is different from being a Miss
or still do not have children there is a group of things to consider
when you choose to wear.1 -Clothing
should be loose so as to allow the possibility to move easily with
their children especially if they are young, taking into account that
not be loose so as not to significantly impeded the movement is not
hampered by the appropriate during the run and play with their children.2 -But
if any new mother that her child must choose a baby sweaters or dresses
the front aperture which allows it to breast-feed small at any time
when the milk3 -Here,
too, must also take into account selection of clothes with dark colors
because the young child may get some milk out of his mouth,
which could spoil your clothes with light colors.
4 -Jeans
trousers widening is the best in the event of your choice of pants and
the general jeans is the best, because the pregnancy of the
child displays your clothes to break the fast and cloth jeans, linen
does not affect the break-up 5 -Likes
to give up here wearing waist belts because they are no properly
and that many move spoil the shape and change the place and may even
drop the belt without you feel it, It is better to close your clothes by
acetic appropriate for the size of your waist because the fasteners may
be exposed to the open without the feel of.
The redwith all each color degrees is a wonderfulofthe fieryto thedarkitalics topink, allthe titleofone story, namely,love of life, luxuryand glamornoisy.ItRedmorecolorsboldand attractiveand the powerto influenceothers asit is the colorbringslifeto thejournalmust beof theacquisition, whether throughdresslongorshortor even ashoeorbag, especially in theValentine Dayfestivalso whatwill you going to wear invalentines day?Ineach year,andin these timesis seekinginternational fashion housestoprovide the latestinnovationsto meet thewishes of thewomen in theshowand appearingmost beautifullook andfinesteleganceand attractiveas theyreceives the Valentineeven ifyouwear Hijabandwhowear a long Muslim dresses These are some ofthe most importantideas thatare keenfashion expertsto provide it.